Team Mega Parties

One of the things that can be done within Color Street teams is a mega party. This is a great way to jump start your business (plus have a lot of fun!)

What is a mega party?

A mega party is much like a regular party, but multiple stylists come together and invite guests!

What’s so great about a mega party?

Besides the fact that they are fun, mega parties are a great way to build up enthusiasm in your customer base! As a stylist, I almost always have sales made and parties booked during a mega party. I have also had new people join my team during them! It’s also good because you don’t have to do all the posting/scheduling/follow up!

As a customer, this is FUN! They get to be around other customers who know and love Color Street as much as they do. They get to do something “extra” that not all of your customers/VIPs have the chance to do. And playing games and winning prizes is amazing!

How many people can participate in a mega party?

You can have small 2-3 stylist mega parties or you can have huge mega parties! I’ve found that it’s the most fun when there are at least 10 stylists who invite 10 guests each. That’s a great mix that’s not overwhelming and it’s a lot of fun!

How does a mega party work?

Please note, this will vary depending on team and who is hosting the mega party. The following has been my experience:

  • Leadership within the team will set a date and criteria
  • Stylists generally will pay a nominal fee to participate, and this fee is used to buy prizes to give away during the party.
  • Stylists will be given a date when they can invite people to the group. Prior to that, you can hype it up and verbally invite people; just don’t send out the link yet!
  • Your leaders will tell you these key dates:
    • When you can invite people to the group
    • When posts will start and end
    • When points will be due
    • When prizes will be announced
  • Typical posts that your leaders will post in the party might be:
    • Welcome
    • Icebreaker/Who Invited You
    • Favorite Color Street Set
    • Prizes
    • Game Night/Girl’s Night In
    • Thank you
    • Winners

What are YOU responsible for?

As a stylist participating in the mega party, here are the things you will need to do:

  1. Pay any entry fee
  2. Invite the suggested number of guests
  3. Set up a group chat to generate excitement and make sure your guests see the prize posts when they are posted
  4. Interact with the posts & guests (and help answer questions – even if you didn’t invite someone! One of the most amazing parts of these is getting to interact with other stylists!)
  5. Keeping track of points for the mega prizes.*
  6. Submitting points by the required deadline
  7. Obtaining the winner’s shipping info if they are on your invitation list and win something
  8. Thanking your guests for coming!

*What types of prizes are usually given out?

This all depends on the team that’s hosting the party, the number of participants, etc. But when my team does a mega party there are usually two types of prizes:

Mega Prizes: These are usually the bigger prizes purchased with funds from the entry fees. Usually, there are a few limited ways that people can be entered to win a mega prize:

  • Host/Schedule a party with you
  • Make a purchase from you (they’ll use your shopping link directly.)
  • Ask a question about being a stylist

Participation Prizes: These are usually random prize drawings based on participating in the girl’s night in/game night. You would generally not be responsible for tracking points associated with this!

Remember – you can never make it a requirement that people purchase or join your team in order to win! Also, you can never offer any prizes or discounts in a public forum! Always refer to your policies and procedures to ensure you remain in compliance!

Who should you invite?

You can invite anyone you’d like! But, here are some of the people that I would typically invite:

  • Potential Stylists: This is a great forum for people to get a taste for how fun your team is! They can also get questions answered from other stylists.
  • Customers who you’d love to host a party: There are usually posts associated with parties, and this is a great way to get them excited to host!
  • Top Contributors in your VIP group: This is a great way to say thank you!
  • Customers who generally order but haven’t ordered in a while: this could be their reminder to purchase!

What should you say?

There’s no right or wrong way to invite to a mega party, BUT, one thing is certain – you should send INDIVIDUAL invitations. Just making a post and hoping someone will a) see it and b) respond to it is NOT effective. Here’s an example of what I might say:

Hi Amy! I really appreciate you being a loyal Color Street customer and top contributor in my VIP group! My team is hosting a mega party next week with some super cool prizes, and you don’t have to buy anything to win! I only get ten invites, so I thought I’d see if you wanted to come play along! Would you like me to send you an invite?

Have you ever been a part of a mega party, either as a stylist or a customer? What did you think?

Published by Amelia Barker

Dreamer. Doer. Color Street Stylist. VIPKid Teacher.

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