Getting Down to “Business” – Business Posts

I don’t like selling. There, I said it. I would never be good in a high-pressure sales position. But… I do love sharing what *I* love. And I love my business. So here’s how to share your business WITHOUT being salesy.

Don’t overshare.

If you haven’t yet, go back and read Social Media 101: Audit Your Profile. You should have 4-5 “pillars” that you’re posting about regularly. If not, start today! You want to post regularly enough that people know your business, but remember: that’s not ALL you are! You are so much more, and so it’s all about balance. I suggest 80% personal, 20% business.

Share business blessings.

A “business blessing” is what we call something good about your business. There’s no perfect style or length -the only requirement is that it’s authentic. Think about your business and what makes you truly happy and grateful. That’s what you should post. When possible/appropriate, include a picture of yourself. The post could be about your product, your team, your experience, something you’ve earned…just be sure you follow the policies and procedures when discussing any income or benefits!

Here are a few examples of different business blessings I’ve posted:

Recognize your team.

If you don’t have a team, recognize your peers! There is NOTHING – I repeat – NOTHING better than shouting out someone you admire and respect. It makes them feel good. It makes you feel good. And it’s a wonderful way to highlight some of these amazing people we get to interact with in our business!

Here are a few examples of shout outs that I’ve done… The first one was recognizing my team, but the last one is recognizing a peer!

Share product posts.

These are actually my LEAST favorite types of business posts. I will share a product post when there’s a new launch or a holiday launch I’m really excited about. I’d much rather just sprinkle my nails into stories and posts about OTHER things! (Nailfies are really easy to do that with!)

Here are two examples of “product” posts that I did. The first was a video highlighting a new collection. The second was me actually talking about something not related, but I did my nails at the same time!

So, take your pick; change them up. You don’t have to be “salesy” to sell.

What’s your favorite type of biz post? Let me know in the comments!

Published by Amelia Barker

Dreamer. Doer. Color Street Stylist. VIPKid Teacher.

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