Rocking your nail bar: be the Host with the Most!

Are you hosting your first Color Street party? Or maybe you’re a new stylist trying to help your hosts succeed! Below are a few simple things to remember when hosting a Color Street nail bar!

Don’t overthink it.

There are thousands of different ways to host a party. It’s most important to do what’s fun! Do you have lots of girlfriends that you spend time with? Then maybe it’s best to have an in-person nail bar! Does the idea of hosting people in your home send your anxiety through the roof? (That’s me.) Then perhaps a Facebook party will be your jam. Did you recently move and you’re missing your friends and family back home? Do a zoom party with them so you can catch up. What sounds FUN to you? THAT is what you should do!

Invite your guests personally.

We’ve all been mass added to a group. You see that notification pop up and it says “Long Lost grade school friend invited her to Sally’s XYZ party.” You haven’t heard from Sally since, well, grade school. And now you can’t help but think, “Why should I buy something from Sally now?” The week that my dog died, I had no less than 3 people reach out and ask me to be an ambassador for their dog bandanas. It was awful. The invite can be short and simple, but at least they know you didn’t just randomly click their name on a list! You can even use the same core message and just tweak it…

Hi, _____! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. ____________________. Can I send you an invite?

Then you tweak that invitation for your friends and family:

  • Hi Mom! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. I promise it won’t be like the Home Interiors party where you were my only guest! 😉 Can I send you an invite? (Yes, that really happened btw.)
  • Hi Sally! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. I remember all the fun we used to have in grade school painting our nails, and I thought this might be a fun way to reconnect. Can I send you an invite?
  • Hi Donna! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. You are the most fun neighbor ever, and you crack me up on Facebook. It will be so fun! Can I send you an invite?

Interact & play along!

Whatever type of party you have, it’s important that you show up! Imagine if you were hosting a birthday party at home. Your guests all show up, but you aren’t there. You’ve gone to the movies! Especially with online events, it’s easy to let life sneak up on us and we get distracted. But be sure your guests see you playing along. They know YOU, not your stylist (yet.) So get in the mix and have a good time! The more you interact with your guests, the more fun they will have!

Encourage your guests to get (and try!) their two finger testers.

As a stylist, I don’t ever want people to buy something out of guilt. Sure, it’s nice when people say “Oh, I’ll buy to help my friend.” But I sell Color Street because it’s an amazing product and it makes people so happy when they wear it! And the single best way for people to fall in love with Color Street is to try it. If you are hosting a party for me, there will NEVER be pressure to sell. We’re not here to sell. We’re here to share. So encourage your friends to put on a twosie! If they’re local, you can even help them! Get them to take a nailfie! Oooh and awe over how cute it looks. Enjoy it!

Thank your guests for coming!

Back to that birthday party… you would always thank your guests for coming! The same is true if they come to your online party or nail bar! We appreciate them!

My pet peeve is when someone asks me to host a party, and they say “I’ll do all the work for you.” I want to answer, “Well then it won’t be a very good party, will it?” Don’t get me wrong… hosting a Color Street party isn’t HARD work. But you also can’t just hit the invite button and then forget about it. That’s not a good experience for anyone – you, your stylist, or your friends. So be there. Be engaged. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, have fun!

Have you ever hosted a Color Street nail bar? Want to give it a try? Comment below, or join me on Facebook to get started!

Published by Amelia Barker

Dreamer. Doer. Color Street Stylist. VIPKid Teacher.

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