Updated: Nail Polish Removal Hack

One of my earliest blog posts was about a nail polish removal hack. Let’s face it… since Color Street polish has a built-in base coat, color and top coat, it LASTS! And that meant that it could take a minute to remove it.

However, just like our founder Mr. Park saw a problem with traditional nail polish and solved it, he decided to solve the problem of nail polish remover too! So guess what – no hack required!

We now have our own nail polish remover, and it’s AMAZING. And here’s why…

It’s powerful.

It doesn’t require soaking or scrubbing or wrapping to get the polish off. Not even with multiple layers. You just hold a soaked pad over the nail for a few seconds, and then BAM. Polish is removed.

It smells great!

I mean, I’m not going to wear it for perfume; however, instead of that strong acetone scent, you get a nice bergamot scent instead. I notice after I remove my polish I occasionally catch a faint whiff and I think, “Hmmm what smells nice?” And then I remember!

It’s acetone-free.

Acetone can be rough and drying on your nails, and it can contribute to peeling and weakness. Color Street nail polish remover moisturizes your nails and helps them stay healthy.

It’s leak-proof.

I had a nail polish remover fiasco in our camper with another brand. On a bumpy road, it tipped over and spilled, making the whole camper smell like nail polish remover for weeks! Color Street designed a special lid designed to minimize leaking. So far, I’ve had no other incidents in our camper, and we’ve had some rough roads!

What’s your biggest challenge when removing your polish? Let me know in the comments below.

If you’d like to try Color Street remover for yourself, pick it up here!

Published by Amelia Barker

Dreamer. Doer. Color Street Stylist. VIPKid Teacher.

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