The Power of “New” – How Trying New Things Helps You Grow!

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, doing the same things day in and day out? We’ve all been there, and let’s be honest, it can get pretty dull. I know it’s easy to get in the habit of work, cook, clean, repeat. That’s where the magic of trying new things comes into play. Whether it’s something as small as trying a new shade of lipstick or as big as a vacation to a new place, stepping out of your comfort zone is like a breath of fresh air for your heart. In this blog post, we’re going to dive into why it’s crucial to embrace the unknown and spice up your life with new experiences.

1. New things keep life exciting!

Let’s face it; routine can be a drag sometimes. While I’m about as habitual as they come, doing ONLY the same thing day after day can make life feel pretty monotonous. When you try something new, you inject a burst of excitement and unpredictability into your routine. It’s like adding a pinch of salt to your favorite dish; it makes everything taste better!

2. Trying new things creates lasting memories.

While routines provide a sense of stability, they can also become stifling. Trying new things breaks this cycle. It’s like hitting the reset button on your life, allowing you to create lasting memories. You won’t remember the tv show that you watched last night ten years from now. But you will remember that time you laughed until you cried with a bestie. You’ll remember that special dinner with the hubs. These experiences become stories to tell, laughter to remember, and moments that make life truly special.

3. New things expand our horizons.

Michael likes to poke at me when I have my nose buried in my phone. He says “It’s a big ol’ world out here.” And he’s right. This Earth we call home is a pretty amazing place filled with countless opportunities to learn and grow. By trying new things, you open the door to new experiences, people, and ideas. You might discover a hidden talent or passion you never knew you had, or you might meet someone who becomes a lifelong friend. But you’ll never know if you stay safely within what you already know.

4. Trying new things builds confidence.

I’m not gonna lie – stepping out of your comfort zone can be pretty scary, but it’s a fantastic way to build self-confidence. When you try something new and succeed, even if it’s a small victory, it boosts your self-esteem and reminds you that you’re capable of so much more than you think. And guess what – even if you don’t succeed, you can still be proud of trying. Spoiler alert: even failing builds confidence, because you know you overcame your fear of trying! Over time, this newfound confidence can, and will, spill over into other areas of your life, helping you tackle challenges with a fearless attitude.

5. Trying new things prevents regrets.

One of the greatest fears people have in life is missing opportunities. We rarely ask ourselves “What would have happened if I didn’t try this?” But we often think, “What if I had?” Regrets can weigh heavy on your heart, so why not take a chance and just see where the path leads you? I love the tattoos that say “No regerts.” Even if it doesn’t work out exactly like you planned, you’ll have a great story to tell later.

So, there you have it—five fantastic reasons why it’s essential to try new things. If you’re unsure where to start, let me help!

  • Request a sample of Color Street dry nail polish. I know it sounds small, but that splash of sparkle on your nails could be just the confidence booster that makes a change in how you feel!
  • Want something bigger? Take the next step and join my Color Street team! The joy I’ve found by setting and meeting goals has been so fun and so fulfilling! And I’ve made so many new friends who inspire and motivate me every single day.

If Color Street isn’t your jam, it’s ok. There are literally no right or wrong answers here. It’s all about trying something new. Remember, life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and the best way to do that is by stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the excitement of trying something new. Who knows what incredible opportunities await just beyond your comfort zone? Let me know what you find in the comments!

Published by Amelia Barker

Dreamer. Doer. Color Street Stylist. VIPKid Teacher.

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