The Power of “New” – How Trying New Things Helps You Grow!

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, doing the same things day in and day out? We’ve all been there, and let’s be honest, it can get pretty dull. I know it’s easy to get in the habit of work, cook, clean, repeat. That’s where the magic of trying new things comes into play. Whether it’s something as small as trying a new shade of lipstick or as big as a vacation to a new place, stepping out of your comfort zone is like a breath of fresh air for your heart. In this blog post, we’re going to dive into why it’s crucial to embrace the unknown and spice up your life with new experiences.

1. New things keep life exciting!

Let’s face it; routine can be a drag sometimes. While I’m about as habitual as they come, doing ONLY the same thing day after day can make life feel pretty monotonous. When you try something new, you inject a burst of excitement and unpredictability into your routine. It’s like adding a pinch of salt to your favorite dish; it makes everything taste better!

2. Trying new things creates lasting memories.

While routines provide a sense of stability, they can also become stifling. Trying new things breaks this cycle. It’s like hitting the reset button on your life, allowing you to create lasting memories. You won’t remember the tv show that you watched last night ten years from now. But you will remember that time you laughed until you cried with a bestie. You’ll remember that special dinner with the hubs. These experiences become stories to tell, laughter to remember, and moments that make life truly special.

3. New things expand our horizons.

Michael likes to poke at me when I have my nose buried in my phone. He says “It’s a big ol’ world out here.” And he’s right. This Earth we call home is a pretty amazing place filled with countless opportunities to learn and grow. By trying new things, you open the door to new experiences, people, and ideas. You might discover a hidden talent or passion you never knew you had, or you might meet someone who becomes a lifelong friend. But you’ll never know if you stay safely within what you already know.

4. Trying new things builds confidence.

I’m not gonna lie – stepping out of your comfort zone can be pretty scary, but it’s a fantastic way to build self-confidence. When you try something new and succeed, even if it’s a small victory, it boosts your self-esteem and reminds you that you’re capable of so much more than you think. And guess what – even if you don’t succeed, you can still be proud of trying. Spoiler alert: even failing builds confidence, because you know you overcame your fear of trying! Over time, this newfound confidence can, and will, spill over into other areas of your life, helping you tackle challenges with a fearless attitude.

5. Trying new things prevents regrets.

One of the greatest fears people have in life is missing opportunities. We rarely ask ourselves “What would have happened if I didn’t try this?” But we often think, “What if I had?” Regrets can weigh heavy on your heart, so why not take a chance and just see where the path leads you? I love the tattoos that say “No regerts.” Even if it doesn’t work out exactly like you planned, you’ll have a great story to tell later.

So, there you have it—five fantastic reasons why it’s essential to try new things. If you’re unsure where to start, let me help!

  • Request a sample of Color Street dry nail polish. I know it sounds small, but that splash of sparkle on your nails could be just the confidence booster that makes a change in how you feel!
  • Want something bigger? Take the next step and join my Color Street team! The joy I’ve found by setting and meeting goals has been so fun and so fulfilling! And I’ve made so many new friends who inspire and motivate me every single day.

If Color Street isn’t your jam, it’s ok. There are literally no right or wrong answers here. It’s all about trying something new. Remember, life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and the best way to do that is by stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the excitement of trying something new. Who knows what incredible opportunities await just beyond your comfort zone? Let me know what you find in the comments!

Welcome to the EU, Color Street!

I am so excited to welcome Color Street to Europe. As of 8/11/23, Color Street dry nail polish is available to all countries in the European Union!

What is Color Street?

Color Street is a beauty brand built on the foundation that one brilliant idea can change the world. Our founder Mr. Park changed the face of beauty with his innovative dry nail polish. It’s 100% real nail polish, but it goes on dry. It’s quick, easy, and long-lasting. Plus it provides the quality of a salon manicure or pedicure with the convenience of being able to do your nails anywhere – at home or on the go! And Color Street holds the global patent on 100% real nail polish strips!

How can I be a part of Color Street?

If you live in a country in the EU, there are three ways you can be involved!

  • Request a sample here! I will drop a two finger tester in the mail for you so you can see for yourself!
  • Host a party! This is a great way to get the opportunity for you and your friends and family the opportunity to be among the first to try Color Street dry nail polish! You can use the same form to request a sample, and just let me know in the comments that you’d like to host a party! Plus, you have the opportunity to earn host rewards for free and discounted products!
  • Join my team! Whether you are looking to build a business or have a side-hustle, being a stylist is a great way to earn money by selling products that you love! I have been a stylist for almost four years, and I’m happy to help you get started!
  • Earn 15-35% commission on Beauty Social, one-on-one, online and event sales
  • Join and grow a Stylist community of motivated, brilliant individuals (we’re pretty fun too!)
  • Earn special rewards and incentive trips

The Color Street starter kit includes everything you need to get started. It’s € 119 and comes with over € 275 in products and business supplies!

Is it easy? No. Is it fun and rewarding? I think so! With Color Street, you have an opportunity to earn income, but it takes hard work to make a substantial income in this business and a Stylist’s success depends largely on their personal commitment, hard work, business skills, and market conditions. A Stylist’s income is not representative of future results and Color Street does not guarantee any income or rank success. You can view the full US income disclosure here!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much are Color Street nail polish strips? Sets range from €15.49 – €17.89.
  • As a stylist, is there a requirement to keep inventory? No! Once you are a stylist, you pay a small monthly e-suite fee that provides customers the ability to order products directly through your website, so there’s no need to keep inventory onhand.
  • Will Color Street be available throughout all of Europe? No. Color Street will only be available in the European Union countries, namely: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. (PS: We are also available in the US and Canada!)
  • What will be included in the Starter Kits for new EU Stylists? The Starter Kits will contain 13 Sets of nail strips, 72 2-Finger Testers, 100 prep pads, 2 large nail files, 2 nail buffers, 60 mini nail files, 50 cuticle sticks, 25 catalogs, 25 Opportunity Brochures, a Stylist Launch Guide, and a Tote Bag.
  • How much will shipping cost? How long will it take? The shipping costs will vary by weight. The anticipated timeframe for delivery once the shipment has left the warehouse is 2-3 working days.
  • Will customers or Stylists be charged any additional customs fees or duties upon delivery? No.
  • What languages are available? In Germany and Austria, materials and customer service are available in English and German. For all other EU countries, these are available in English.

Have more questions? Please contact me. I’d love to chat!

Updated: Nail Polish Removal Hack

One of my earliest blog posts was about a nail polish removal hack. Let’s face it… since Color Street polish has a built-in base coat, color and top coat, it LASTS! And that meant that it could take a minute to remove it.

However, just like our founder Mr. Park saw a problem with traditional nail polish and solved it, he decided to solve the problem of nail polish remover too! So guess what – no hack required!

We now have our own nail polish remover, and it’s AMAZING. And here’s why…

It’s powerful.

It doesn’t require soaking or scrubbing or wrapping to get the polish off. Not even with multiple layers. You just hold a soaked pad over the nail for a few seconds, and then BAM. Polish is removed.

It smells great!

I mean, I’m not going to wear it for perfume; however, instead of that strong acetone scent, you get a nice bergamot scent instead. I notice after I remove my polish I occasionally catch a faint whiff and I think, “Hmmm what smells nice?” And then I remember!

It’s acetone-free.

Acetone can be rough and drying on your nails, and it can contribute to peeling and weakness. Color Street nail polish remover moisturizes your nails and helps them stay healthy.

It’s leak-proof.

I had a nail polish remover fiasco in our camper with another brand. On a bumpy road, it tipped over and spilled, making the whole camper smell like nail polish remover for weeks! Color Street designed a special lid designed to minimize leaking. So far, I’ve had no other incidents in our camper, and we’ve had some rough roads!

What’s your biggest challenge when removing your polish? Let me know in the comments below.

If you’d like to try Color Street remover for yourself, pick it up here!

Scheduling Facebook Posts

One of the biggest behind-the-scenes tricks that I have learned as a Color Street stylist is that you can pre-schedule posts to your Facebook groups (as long as you are an admin or moderator!) This means you can engage with your audience when THEY want to engage, whether or not it’s convenient with your schedule!

To schedule posts on a PC, the steps are simple.

(Scroll down if you prefer to watch a short video!)

  1. To begin, click to create a post like you normally would.
Start by writing a post like normal.

2. After you’ve typed your post and added any pictures, instead of clicking the blue “Post” button, click the small calendar to the right of it.

Click the small calendar icon to schedule.

3. You’ll be prompted to choose a date and a time you want to schedule the post. It must be at least 30 minutes in the future.

Input a date and time.

4. After you’ve put in a date and time, you can click the blue “Schedule” button at the bottom.

Choose your date & time; then click “Schedule.”

5. When you return to the main page, you can view your scheduled posts by going to “Scheduled Posts” in the Admin Tools panel on the left side of the page.

Find your scheduled posts in the admin panel.

6. From within Scheduled Posts, you can do several things to your post. Just click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post to access the menu. The most common ones I use are:

  • Reschedule post (to change the date and/or time)
  • Post now (to post it immediately)
  • Edit post (to add/change the post)
  • Delete post (if you’ve decided you no longer want it)
Click on the three dots next to your scheduled post to access the menu to make changes.

If you prefer to watch a video, here’s a quick video that walks through exactly how to schedule!

Check out this short You Tube video on scheduling Facebook posts!

Scheduling posts has been a real game-changer for my business. I’m an early bird, so I get up early and schedule most of mine before I start work in the mornings or on weekend mornings while I wait for my husband to wake up!

Tell me in the comments: when do you usually schedule your posts?

Creating a Facebook Group (pc)

If you’re creating an online Facebook group for a party or your VIP group, here are the steps I take to create it! I was using a PC, and from time to time, the steps will change slightly, so feel free to comment if you notice something has changed!

  1. Open Facebook to your home page
  2. Click on “groups” on the left side of your screen
Click on “Groups” on the left side of your screen.

3. Click on the blue “Create a new group” box on the left side of your screen.

Click on “Create a new group.”

4. Choose a name for your group. Remember, you cannot use the words “Color Street” or any variation in the name. Be sure to check your policy & procedure document for branding guidelines.

5. Set the privacy to “Private” (no discounts or giveaways in public forums!)

6. Click “Create.”

7. Once your new group opens, scroll down to Settings>Group Settings on the left.

8. Set the name and a brief description of your group. Then click “save.”

Set the name & description for your group.

9. Scroll down and choose a custom web address for your group. It should be something easy to remember (and spell!) Then click “save.”

Customize the web address for your group.

10. Set your membership rules so:

  • Only profiles can join the group (not pages)
  • Only admins and moderators can approve member requests
Set your membership rules.

11. Set “Approve all member posts” to ON. (This is good hygeine because sometimes people will post un-related spam to groups to get “credit” for sharing. You’ll want to keep the conversations relevant and on topic!

Set “Approve Member Posts” to on.

12. Scroll up to the top and click on “Home” and then “Edit” on the cover picture.

On your home screen, click “edit” on your cover picture.

You can create your own cover photo in a graphics app (I prefer Canva!) or many graphics groups will take requests for cover graphics.

Once you save your cover photo, your group is now set up!

If you are a visual person, here’s a short video that walks through the process!

Optional: You can also set up membership questions. Although not everyone will answer them, it’s helpful to get to know your members!

For a mega party with multiple hosts, I always ask who invited them!

Other membership questions might include:

  • Have you ever tried Color Street?
    • Yes, I LOVE IT!
    • No, please send me a sample!
    • Maybe once or twice???
  • Would you like more info on:
    • Becoming a Color Street stylist
    • Hosting your own party
    • Just checking things out for now

To do this, just scroll down in your left-hand admin panel to “Membership Questions” and click the blue “Add question” button.

Add membership questions to your group.

From there, you can choose a type of question (Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, or Written Answer), add your question, and add your options (if applicable.)

Choose a type of question (Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, or Written Answer).

I hope you found this helpful! Once you’ve set up your group, feel free to drop the link in the comments below! I’d love to see what you created!

Rocking your nail bar: be the Host with the Most!

Are you hosting your first Color Street party? Or maybe you’re a new stylist trying to help your hosts succeed! Below are a few simple things to remember when hosting a Color Street nail bar!

Don’t overthink it.

There are thousands of different ways to host a party. It’s most important to do what’s fun! Do you have lots of girlfriends that you spend time with? Then maybe it’s best to have an in-person nail bar! Does the idea of hosting people in your home send your anxiety through the roof? (That’s me.) Then perhaps a Facebook party will be your jam. Did you recently move and you’re missing your friends and family back home? Do a zoom party with them so you can catch up. What sounds FUN to you? THAT is what you should do!

Invite your guests personally.

We’ve all been mass added to a group. You see that notification pop up and it says “Long Lost grade school friend invited her to Sally’s XYZ party.” You haven’t heard from Sally since, well, grade school. And now you can’t help but think, “Why should I buy something from Sally now?” The week that my dog died, I had no less than 3 people reach out and ask me to be an ambassador for their dog bandanas. It was awful. The invite can be short and simple, but at least they know you didn’t just randomly click their name on a list! You can even use the same core message and just tweak it…

Hi, _____! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. ____________________. Can I send you an invite?

Then you tweak that invitation for your friends and family:

  • Hi Mom! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. I promise it won’t be like the Home Interiors party where you were my only guest! 😉 Can I send you an invite? (Yes, that really happened btw.)
  • Hi Sally! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. I remember all the fun we used to have in grade school painting our nails, and I thought this might be a fun way to reconnect. Can I send you an invite?
  • Hi Donna! I’m having a Color Street party this week, and I’d really love it if you could come and play along. You are the most fun neighbor ever, and you crack me up on Facebook. It will be so fun! Can I send you an invite?

Interact & play along!

Whatever type of party you have, it’s important that you show up! Imagine if you were hosting a birthday party at home. Your guests all show up, but you aren’t there. You’ve gone to the movies! Especially with online events, it’s easy to let life sneak up on us and we get distracted. But be sure your guests see you playing along. They know YOU, not your stylist (yet.) So get in the mix and have a good time! The more you interact with your guests, the more fun they will have!

Encourage your guests to get (and try!) their two finger testers.

As a stylist, I don’t ever want people to buy something out of guilt. Sure, it’s nice when people say “Oh, I’ll buy to help my friend.” But I sell Color Street because it’s an amazing product and it makes people so happy when they wear it! And the single best way for people to fall in love with Color Street is to try it. If you are hosting a party for me, there will NEVER be pressure to sell. We’re not here to sell. We’re here to share. So encourage your friends to put on a twosie! If they’re local, you can even help them! Get them to take a nailfie! Oooh and awe over how cute it looks. Enjoy it!

Thank your guests for coming!

Back to that birthday party… you would always thank your guests for coming! The same is true if they come to your online party or nail bar! We appreciate them!

My pet peeve is when someone asks me to host a party, and they say “I’ll do all the work for you.” I want to answer, “Well then it won’t be a very good party, will it?” Don’t get me wrong… hosting a Color Street party isn’t HARD work. But you also can’t just hit the invite button and then forget about it. That’s not a good experience for anyone – you, your stylist, or your friends. So be there. Be engaged. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, have fun!

Have you ever hosted a Color Street nail bar? Want to give it a try? Comment below, or join me on Facebook to get started!

Getting Down to “Business” – Business Posts

I don’t like selling. There, I said it. I would never be good in a high-pressure sales position. But… I do love sharing what *I* love. And I love my business. So here’s how to share your business WITHOUT being salesy.

Don’t overshare.

If you haven’t yet, go back and read Social Media 101: Audit Your Profile. You should have 4-5 “pillars” that you’re posting about regularly. If not, start today! You want to post regularly enough that people know your business, but remember: that’s not ALL you are! You are so much more, and so it’s all about balance. I suggest 80% personal, 20% business.

Share business blessings.

A “business blessing” is what we call something good about your business. There’s no perfect style or length -the only requirement is that it’s authentic. Think about your business and what makes you truly happy and grateful. That’s what you should post. When possible/appropriate, include a picture of yourself. The post could be about your product, your team, your experience, something you’ve earned…just be sure you follow the policies and procedures when discussing any income or benefits!

Here are a few examples of different business blessings I’ve posted:

Recognize your team.

If you don’t have a team, recognize your peers! There is NOTHING – I repeat – NOTHING better than shouting out someone you admire and respect. It makes them feel good. It makes you feel good. And it’s a wonderful way to highlight some of these amazing people we get to interact with in our business!

Here are a few examples of shout outs that I’ve done… The first one was recognizing my team, but the last one is recognizing a peer!

Share product posts.

These are actually my LEAST favorite types of business posts. I will share a product post when there’s a new launch or a holiday launch I’m really excited about. I’d much rather just sprinkle my nails into stories and posts about OTHER things! (Nailfies are really easy to do that with!)

Here are two examples of “product” posts that I did. The first was a video highlighting a new collection. The second was me actually talking about something not related, but I did my nails at the same time!

So, take your pick; change them up. You don’t have to be “salesy” to sell.

What’s your favorite type of biz post? Let me know in the comments!

Team Mega Parties

One of the things that can be done within Color Street teams is a mega party. This is a great way to jump start your business (plus have a lot of fun!)

What is a mega party?

A mega party is much like a regular party, but multiple stylists come together and invite guests!

What’s so great about a mega party?

Besides the fact that they are fun, mega parties are a great way to build up enthusiasm in your customer base! As a stylist, I almost always have sales made and parties booked during a mega party. I have also had new people join my team during them! It’s also good because you don’t have to do all the posting/scheduling/follow up!

As a customer, this is FUN! They get to be around other customers who know and love Color Street as much as they do. They get to do something “extra” that not all of your customers/VIPs have the chance to do. And playing games and winning prizes is amazing!

How many people can participate in a mega party?

You can have small 2-3 stylist mega parties or you can have huge mega parties! I’ve found that it’s the most fun when there are at least 10 stylists who invite 10 guests each. That’s a great mix that’s not overwhelming and it’s a lot of fun!

How does a mega party work?

Please note, this will vary depending on team and who is hosting the mega party. The following has been my experience:

  • Leadership within the team will set a date and criteria
  • Stylists generally will pay a nominal fee to participate, and this fee is used to buy prizes to give away during the party.
  • Stylists will be given a date when they can invite people to the group. Prior to that, you can hype it up and verbally invite people; just don’t send out the link yet!
  • Your leaders will tell you these key dates:
    • When you can invite people to the group
    • When posts will start and end
    • When points will be due
    • When prizes will be announced
  • Typical posts that your leaders will post in the party might be:
    • Welcome
    • Icebreaker/Who Invited You
    • Favorite Color Street Set
    • Prizes
    • Game Night/Girl’s Night In
    • Thank you
    • Winners

What are YOU responsible for?

As a stylist participating in the mega party, here are the things you will need to do:

  1. Pay any entry fee
  2. Invite the suggested number of guests
  3. Set up a group chat to generate excitement and make sure your guests see the prize posts when they are posted
  4. Interact with the posts & guests (and help answer questions – even if you didn’t invite someone! One of the most amazing parts of these is getting to interact with other stylists!)
  5. Keeping track of points for the mega prizes.*
  6. Submitting points by the required deadline
  7. Obtaining the winner’s shipping info if they are on your invitation list and win something
  8. Thanking your guests for coming!

*What types of prizes are usually given out?

This all depends on the team that’s hosting the party, the number of participants, etc. But when my team does a mega party there are usually two types of prizes:

Mega Prizes: These are usually the bigger prizes purchased with funds from the entry fees. Usually, there are a few limited ways that people can be entered to win a mega prize:

  • Host/Schedule a party with you
  • Make a purchase from you (they’ll use your shopping link directly.)
  • Ask a question about being a stylist

Participation Prizes: These are usually random prize drawings based on participating in the girl’s night in/game night. You would generally not be responsible for tracking points associated with this!

Remember – you can never make it a requirement that people purchase or join your team in order to win! Also, you can never offer any prizes or discounts in a public forum! Always refer to your policies and procedures to ensure you remain in compliance!

Who should you invite?

You can invite anyone you’d like! But, here are some of the people that I would typically invite:

  • Potential Stylists: This is a great forum for people to get a taste for how fun your team is! They can also get questions answered from other stylists.
  • Customers who you’d love to host a party: There are usually posts associated with parties, and this is a great way to get them excited to host!
  • Top Contributors in your VIP group: This is a great way to say thank you!
  • Customers who generally order but haven’t ordered in a while: this could be their reminder to purchase!

What should you say?

There’s no right or wrong way to invite to a mega party, BUT, one thing is certain – you should send INDIVIDUAL invitations. Just making a post and hoping someone will a) see it and b) respond to it is NOT effective. Here’s an example of what I might say:

Hi Amy! I really appreciate you being a loyal Color Street customer and top contributor in my VIP group! My team is hosting a mega party next week with some super cool prizes, and you don’t have to buy anything to win! I only get ten invites, so I thought I’d see if you wanted to come play along! Would you like me to send you an invite?

Have you ever been a part of a mega party, either as a stylist or a customer? What did you think?

Making Connections: Meet “Frank”

One of the most common objections I hear from people who are thinking about joining my team is “I don’t know very many people.” To that, I have a three part response:

  1. You know more people than you think.
  2. If you are building a business, you won’t need to rely on just friends and family for your business to grow.
  3. You will meet new people!

However, it is easiest to begin with people that you do know, and here’s how!

Make a “FRANKs” list.

Get a blank piece of paper or start a spreadsheet – whatever works for you to brainstorm. Just make sure you have plenty of room! We’re going to break down the list of people you know into five categories starting with…

F = friends

Start with your besties, of course. They will most likely be your cheerleaders, whether or not they use your products! But then dig deeper:

  • Work friends
  • Church friends
  • Elementary school friends
  • High School friends
  • College friends
  • Facebook friends
R = relatives

Think about what relatives you might have that would be willing to try Color Street. I’ll focus on women since that’s our largest demographic, but if you have a forward-thinking guy, let him try it too! (It’s a whole untapped market!)

  • Mother
  • Grandma
  • Sister
  • Aunt
  • Nieces
  • Cousins
  • In-laws
A = aquaintances

We all have aquaintances. These are people we may not know well but that we recognize or encounter regularly!

  • The person who works at the front desk of the gym
  • The bank teller
  • The grocery store clerk (you know, the friendly one whose line you always look for!)
  • Co-workers you may not know personally but you see regularly
  • Restaurant workers/Bartenders
N = neighbors

Depending on where you live, you may or may not know your neighbors well. But there’s no time like the present to meet them!

  • Current neighbors
  • Past neighbors
  • HOA members
  • Apartment office staff

And you can check with your HOA or apartment management company to find out if there are options for you to connect with your neighbors:

  • Neighborhood business directory
  • Web page that you can promote your business (remember – no deals or discounts in public forums!)
  • Social events/mixers
  • Welcome bags for new residents where you can provide samples
K = kid’s contacts

If you don’t have kids, you can still browse through this section because it might remind you of contacts from when YOU were a child!

  • Teachers
  • Coaches (and their spouses)
  • Friends’ moms
  • Friends’ older sisters
  • Volunteer parents (a little twosie gift bag makes a great little “thank you”!)
  • Day Care teacher

Here’s a quick graphic that I made to help serve as a visual reminder:

A simple reminder to help you build your FRANKs list!

Once you have a FRANKs list, start to connect.

  • Unless they are your bff’s – don’t dive right into the business. We’ve ALL had that random person that we haven’t talked to in 20 years reach out and try to sell us somthing. Yuck.
  • Decide on a set number of people per day you’d like to connect with, then connect!
    • Check out their social media profiles and see what they’ve been up to.
    • Send them a personal message (NOT about your business!)
    • Comment on a recent post.
    • Let them know you’ve been thinking about them.
    • Ask them a question!
  • The goal at this point isn’t to SELL or to get them to join you. It’s to CONNECT.
  • Write down or track who you reach out to so you can make it through your list!

Keep posting on social media!

Remember the five pillars we talked about in this blog post? Keep cycling through your list! The funny thing about social media is that the algorithms are smart. Once you’ve connected with someone via personal message, they’ll start showing you each other’s posts. So make sure you’re giving your old (and new) friends something to look at!

My friend Kimberly is in direct sales with another company, and she made a comment that “You shouldn’t have to rely on friends and family to keep your business afloat.” And while this is true, this is the most logical place to start. We call this your “warm market.” And the beautiful thing about connecting with people is that even a small group of people in your warm market, can introduce you to so many new friends and customers that are currently in your “cold market.” And making these new friends has been one of my favorite parts of building my business. I treasure these new friends and relationships so much!

Were you surprised when you wrote down your FRANKs list? Did you have more people than you expected? Let me know in the comments!

Be real. Be vulnerable. Be you.

In today’s world of filters and fantasy, most people do all they can to NOT be real. And no one LIKES to be vulnerable. But the truth is, what people value isn’t a fancy filter or a highlight reel from your life .. they value YOU. So the next time you hesitate before putting yourself out there, remember these three things. Then just DO IT!

1. You are unique and special.

You’ve heard it a million times, but it’s the absolute truth. Read this section; then read it again if you don’t believe it.

If you’re Christian and spiritual:

1 Peter 4:10-11 – “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”

If you’re into more “new age” or “the Woo” as my friend Lindsay calls it:

‘You are perfect, whole and complete. You needn’t add anything to yourself to experience your true power.” – Doreen Virtue

If you’re just an average person like most of us (who isn’t offended by bad language):

“We are all perfect in our own, magnificent, fucked-up ways. Laugh at yourself. Love yourself and others. Rejoice in the cosmic ridiculousness.”
― Jen Sincero, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

2. No one is without failure.

A quick google search and you will find hundreds of stories of people we all know as outstanding successes who had a secret, rocky start. One that I hadn’t heard before was about Katy Perry. I listen to her song “Roar” when I need a motivational boost, and it’s an added bonus that she’s an Ole Miss football fan! But according to Reader’s Digest, her first album sold only 200 copies!

I know I don’t want to fail. It’s easy to set small goals, or to keep those big goals to myself because I want to feel successful. And I want other people to think I’m successful. It’s human nature. But – NO ONE is successful all of the time. Read that again. NO ONE IS SUCCESSFUL ALL OF THE TIME. And the people I admire most are those that try for their goals, whether or not they hit them.

3. If you don’t try, you won’t succeed.

I know it’s cliche. I could find hundreds of quotes about this. (But guess what – that must mean it’s true.) I set a goal to be a Color Street director by July. And then August. And then September. And then November. (At the time I’m writing this, it’s January, and I’m not there yet!) But if I didn’t set that goal, I guarantee it would never happen. I can say with confidence that it WILL happen one day; just not by the date of my original goal. (Fun fact: only 1.3% of all stylists reach the director level, so there’s no shame with the fact that it’s hard to get there!)

I know none of these things are new to you. But it’s so easy to fall back into “safe” habits. If you only take one thing away from this post, let it be this:

  • When you’re afraid to be real, do it anyway. That’s what others will relate to.
  • When you don’t want to be vulnerable, do it anyway. Maybe you’ll inspire someone else to take a chance too!
  • When you feel like being “you” just isn’t enough, be YOU ANYWAY. Be you in all your crazy glory. Be you with all of your imperfections (because really, that’s what makes us perfect after all. No one wants to be a Stepford wife, right?)

Share with us something that you’d like to do, or that you’d like to achieve… just for you! Are you afraid? Good! That’s a sign that you’re human. But do it anyway! What’s your big goal???