Future Stylists

Get Paid to Sparkle

When I was first introduced to Color Street, I wasn’t very happy about it. My friend Jackie invited me to a party online, and everyone in our chat group was talking about Color Street. Grumpy ol’ me was like

“This chat room is supposed to be about teaching! Why are they talking about nail polish? Get off my lawn!”

But – I DO like to support friends so I (very grouchily) joined the party. Jackie’s sister Jomi was the stylist doing the party, and she started posting these cute pictures and fun games and silly gifs…. and I found myself going to check the page to see what other fun things there were. When I watched the video of how to put on these dry nail polish strips, I didn’t believe it was that easy, so I requested a sample and swore I wouldn’t order until I tried it for myself. When I got it and put it on, I was like, “Oh. Well. I guess it is that easy.” So I ordered a set. I loved it. I took a nailfie. I think I secretly knew then that I wanted to be a stylist! But I still resisted. Then I went to the salon to get my favorite mani/pedi color. I made whole afternoon of it (I mean, my husband was out of town so what else was I going to do?)

Fast forward… my nails chipped before I was done with lunch, and I just kept staring at them thinking… “they’re so….plain.” When I got home, I went to my friend’s Facebook group and asked “Should I add glitter to these?” (Of course, the answer is always yes.) I added Coming Up Rose gold and fell in LOVE with them all over. So much so I stopped mid-walk with Buster to snap this nailfie. And the rest is history.

But the real REASON I started this, and the reason I still LOVE it today is that it brings people happiness. I was reminded of this recently when my friend Ashley came into a meeting, flashed a HUGE smile and showed me her gorgeous nails (Glamsterdam, in case you’re wondering.) She said this was a new fan favorite at her work, and it makes me SO happy that this simple nail polish makes her smile, and even her fellow teachers. Goodness knows they have had a rough year. They deserve a little sparkle in their lives.

I was the biggest skeptic. I tried every excuse to talk myself out of it, and I almost succeeded pointing out to myself that I was just. too. busy. But then I realized, even busy people need time to sparkle.

I would love for you to join our thriving, growing team – The Goaled & the Beautiful!

Are you ready to take a chance on yourself and say yes? You’re already wearing the product, you might as well get paid to do so!

Welcome to the EU, Color Street!

I am so excited to welcome Color Street to Europe. As of 8/11/23, Color Street dry nail polish is available to all countries in the European Union! What is Color Street? Color Street is a beauty brand built on the foundation that one brilliant idea can change the world. Our founder Mr. Park changed the…

Scheduling Facebook Posts

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