Rocking your nail bar: be the Host with the Most!

My pet peeve is when someone asks me to host a party, and they say “I’ll do all the work for you.” I want to answer, “Well then it won’t be a very good party, will it?” Don’t get me wrong… hosting a Color Street party isn’t HARD work. But you also can’t just hit the invite button and then forget about it. Be there. Be engaged. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, have fun!

Why host a Color Street Party?

When I was first introduced to Color Street, I didn’t want to attend a party. I had horrible memories of failed in-home parties from my youth, and I didn’t want any part of it. It’s sort of like silent auctions. I always swore I hated silent auctions until my husband signed us up to runContinue reading “Why host a Color Street Party?”