The Power of “New” – How Trying New Things Helps You Grow!

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, doing the same things day in and day out? We’ve all been there, and let’s be honest, it can get pretty dull. I know it’s easy to get in the habit of work, cook, clean, repeat. That’s where the magic of trying new things comes intoContinue reading “The Power of “New” – How Trying New Things Helps You Grow!”

Welcome to the EU, Color Street!

I am so excited to welcome Color Street to Europe. As of 8/11/23, Color Street dry nail polish is available to all countries in the European Union! What is Color Street? Color Street is a beauty brand built on the foundation that one brilliant idea can change the world. Our founder Mr. Park changed theContinue reading “Welcome to the EU, Color Street!”